Descriptions of Products
(list products intended for sale)
*Attach an additional list if needed. Approval of products is made by the DFM and changes to this list made during the market season need to be submitted in writing and are subject to prior approval.
Membership and Market Fees
Membership fee to Desnede Farmers Market Society - $20/yr
Table rental fee (payable prior to each market) $20/market
Please check the box next to each of the market rules to indicate that you have read and understand them.
Only locally made agriculture products, processed foods, arts and crafts or food concession will be sold at the market.
If you If you will be selling food (hot, cold, baking, beverages, jams, jellies, etc.) at the market, you have attached your Temporary Food Establishment Permit that has been approved by the GNWT's environmental health officer. You understand that you cannot sell food at the market without the Temporary Food Establishment Permit and that you must have a copy of this permit available for inspection at your table each time you attend the market.
Vendors must be members of the DFM Society. The annual fee for membership is set at $20.00, and includes a free table the first time the vendor sells at the market. Subsequent market attendance is $20 per week per vendor.
The market opens officially when the market bell rings at 1 p.m. Sales cannot begin until 1 p.m.
Vendors must display a sign at their table bearing their business name.
DFM does not provide security during the market operation. Vendors are reminded to be alert and to keep their cash and products secure. The DFM is not responsible for damages due to fire, theft or any damages that occur as a result of the vendor's actions at the market.
Vendors can sell products at the market under the Desnede Fa1·mers Market business licence. However, any vendors who sell products at other venues are obligated to obtain a business licence from the Town of Fort Smith in order to comply with Town by-laws
In an effort to demonstrate the market's value to the community, each vendor will complete an anonymous and confidential survey after each market day providing their gross sales.
Before being accepted as a vendor, you must complete a General Waiver and Waiver of Liability form which requires a signature. If you'd like to download that and email it to, that'd be lovely. You can also sign the form at your first market appearance or bring a copy with you.